Consider your servers – how are they being maintained and managed? The same goes for how all your devices are connected – who’s taking care of your network?
Often the least thought of aspect of an IT infrastructure, the network is just as vital as any other part – why? Because the network ties everything together, and by definition, includes all aspects of the environment.
It doesn’t matter how new and expensive your desktop computers are if they’re not connected to anything. Especially given the prevalence of cloud computing in today’s business world. Whereas at one point, locally-stored data on desktop computers that weren’t connected to a network were “good enough”, these days it’s more likely than not that you’re storing data in the cloud. That means a well-maintained network is a must.
Who’s Taking Care Of Your Servers And Network?
Maintaining IT systems is a difficult task, especially for medium and small sized businesses. It requires constant maintenance and monitoring, and even then, it quickly becomes outdated. Maintaining proper support and upgrading servers and network equipment is costly and complicated, so why not outsource the entire process?