How To Schedule Meetings Using Microsoft FindTime | 4BIS
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How To Schedule Meetings Using Microsoft FindTime

Eliminate the Burden of Scheduling Meetings with Microsoft FindTime

With so many demands on employees’ schedules, simply finding times to host meetings is often an inconvenient hassle.

First, potential timeslots are limited to whenever the needed space is free. This isn’t a significant limitation in every business setting, but it can be an issue in settings where many groups share a small number of conference rooms and other spaces.

Second, a time when everyone (or at least most people) can attend the meeting has to be agreed upon. Aside from prescheduled scheduled meetings that a boss says every underling must attend, this frequently involves a lot of back-and-forths. Numerous emails or messages are often sent to see who’s available when, and there’s simply no way to make this process efficient over email.

For teams that need to share ideas in person regularly, this isn’t a one-time issue. It’s an ongoing battle that’s annoying, takes up employees’ time, and is generally inefficient.

Microsoft FindTime Addresses This Issue

Setting up Microsoft FindTime addresses these issues by streamlining the meeting-scheduling process, and putting this application in place is simple. Microsoft FindTime is included with many Microsoft 365 subscriptions, and it seamlessly integrates with the email platform Microsoft Outlook.

To install Microsoft FindTime, businesses can go to, where a free install is available with a valid login and Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) subscription. To complete the install, businesses just need to follow the basic on-screen prompts and restart Microsoft Outlook afterward. The process takes only a few moments, and FindTime will be present after the restart.

Scheduling Meetings is Easy with Microsoft FindTime

Once Microsoft FindTime is in place, employees create meeting invitations to find a time when everyone involved can meet. The invitation is sent to everyone listed, and each person has an opportunity to input when they’re available — including both when they’re available and unavailable.

After everyone necessary has entered their availability, the FindTime application will automatically analyze the answers to find a suitable meeting time. A notice will then be sent to everyone that details when the meeting will take place.

With this streamlined, there’s no longer a need to constantly go back and forth in search of a suitable meeting time. The host of a meeting can quickly create an invitation and enter everyone involved in a few minutes, and each person only needs to spend a moment inputting their availability. Then, the software will take care of the other work and schedule the meeting without taking up and more time or creating numerous replay all emails.

Get Help with FindTime and Other Microsoft 365 Programs

4BIS is an experienced Microsoft 365 provider in the Cincinnati area, and we offer a full range of assistance with these applications.

For help setting up Microsoft FindTime or any other Microsoft 365 Programs, contact 4BIS today! 


  • James Forbis is a cybersecurity professional, business owner, and best selling author with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry. James is guided by a personal motto to never stop learning. That drive has pushed him to grow a company that is securing and supporting thousands of users. James is a Certified Ethical Hacker and he uses that to stay up to date with the emerging trends of cybersecurity and at the forefront of security for small and medium business.

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